Support Coastline College Biotechnology Students Printing 3D Masks to Help Prevent COVID-19

Written by Coastline Staff | May 15, 2020 6:15:00 PM
Orange County, CA, (May 15, 2020) GLOBE NEWSWIRE

The increased demand for PPE - personal protective equipment has put thousands of requests on backorder. In an effort to help protect medical professionals and our loved ones from COVID-19, Coastline College Biotechnology students Gienel Rayos and Omar Medani, alongside the supervision of Professor Dr. Tanya Hoerer, have made it their goal to create protective masks by using Coastline College's 3D printers to make face shields for local clinics, first responders and hospitals.

These students along with Professor Hoerer hope to generate a sizable supply of protective gear to donate and make an immediate impact while resources are being replenished. Currently, the program has three printers in operation but are looking to expand to at-home efforts, due to campus closures from Governor Newsom's executive order. Coastline students are applying the skills they learned in 3D printing to make personal protective equipment using designs approved and tested by NIH (National Institute of Health).

The science faculty at Coastline are eager to help our local and national medical and first responder communities. We are proud to support these students as they apply the knowledge they gained in our 3D printing program to make a real impact with their skills. Dr. Tanya Hoerer, Professor, Biological Science and Allied Health, Coastline College.

They have launched a campaign through the Coastline Foundation to support the building materials, machinery, packaging, and printing. The funds will support the building materials, machinery, packaging and printing. Support Coastline College students who are making an impact on the treatment of COVID-19 and help local first responders on their fight for our communities.

Please click on this link to generously donate to this campaign.

You can watch our 3D printers in action.