
Coast Colleges Plan To Teach Most Fall 2020 Classes Online

May 18, 2020 12:00:00 PM / by Coastline Staff

Costa Mesa, CA, (May 18, 2020) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Coast Community College District has announced that its three colleges—Coastline, Golden West, and Orange Coast—will plan to conduct the fall 2020 semester online. In addition, student support services will be provided online.

While some essential workers are on-site, the district office and the college campuses remain closed to the public at this time. As public health guidance allows, some courses that cannot be taught online or remotely may be offered on campus and some offices may reopen— following social distancing and other safety and wellness protocols.

“While we would prefer to welcome all students back to our classrooms, we also recognize the need for planning and predictability,” said District Chancellor John Weispfenning. “No matter what restrictions may or may not be in place during the fall, we know that the majority of our classes can be taught online.”

To protect students, faculty, staff, and community members from COVID-19 spread, the Coast Colleges moved thousands of classes online and resumed spring semester in alternative formats beginning March 30, 2020. The current spring semester ends Saturday, May 23, 2020. The District previously announced that summer would continue at a distance. Student enrollment and registration is ongoing for the summer term that begins June 8, 2020.

The Coast Colleges, with one in five students attending fully online even before the pandemic, was well positioned to make the transition to remote education while maintaining academic standards and quality. Those interested in enrolling for the summer or fall can check out the We’re Back... Online resource page that connects to applicant resources for Coastline College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College.

Tags: online college

Coastline Staff

Written by Coastline Staff

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